Top Signs of Sexual Abuse Among Students

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Sexual abuse leaves a traumatic mark on a person’s mindset and also affects the physical condition of the victim. So, if there is a sexual assault and the victim is unable to convey the problems to their loved ones, then there must be proper vigilance to the signs of sexual abuse so that the loved ones can recognize the problem and solve it as soon as possible. If you are a parent, guardian, or educator, you must be aware of these signs of sexual abuse to keep your children safe from such cases.

So, in this article, we will discuss some of the common signs of sexual abuse among the students. However, suppose you or any of your loved ones have faced teacher sexual abuse. In that case, you must consult an expert teacher sexual abuse lawyer who can help you effectively deal with the cases and ensure that you get your claims.

How to Spot the Signs of Sexual Abuse Among Students?

Many children become victims of sexual abuse, and they are made to feel embarrassed about their situation whenever they try to interact. Many abusers sometimes use their status or power over the child to convince the child that the abuse was the fault of the child. So, in such cases, the loved ones or you as a parent, guardian, or educator must understand the signs of abuse so that you can help the child. Thus, let’s know some of the common signs of abuse which sometimes might need professional help in some cases.

Sudden Changes in Behavior

If you have a teenager and if they have experienced any acts of sexual abuse, then it is expected that there will be a behavioral change suddenly. They might withdraw from social interactions once an extrovert child becomes introverted and becomes agitated quicker than before, and many such behavioral changes might take place. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on your child’s every step and behavior to understand what is going on in their life.

Avoidance of Specific Person or Area

If your child starts ignoring or avoiding a specific person or area, then it is a significant sign that there is something wrong with that person. It is a clear indication of abuse, and therefore, you must be aware of such instances. Your child might be doing this avoidance because it might trigger their anxiety stemming from the abuse, and consequently, you must be careful about such signs.

Unexplained Physical Injuries

If there are unexplained physical injuries on your child’s body that the child is unable to describe, then you must take care of such injuries. It is also important to note that not all sexual abuse leaves a physical, visible mark, but if there are cuts, bruises, or other such marks, then it is a matter of concern. An isolated bruise might not be anything serious, but if there is a pattern or series of physical injuries, then you must go for a medical examination. You need to identify the source of injuries and other clues of sexual abuse.

Sleep Disturbances

Children sleep very easily, but if there is a disruption in their sleeping pattern, then it is a typical emotional response to the trauma that they might have experienced. A victim generally faces problems in sleeping and will wake up frequently after experiencing a nightmare. This lack of sleep is also a significant sign that there is something wrong with the child, and you have to check for it.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies

If your child is disengaging from the common hobbies that they were interested in earlier, then it is a matter of concern. It is because the thing that was giving pleasure to them is now no longer pleasurable, showing that there is some psychological impact on the child. This might take place because they start to feel shame or guilt for what happened and it makes it harder to participate in everyday activities.

So, these are some of the common signs of sexual abuse among students, and if you are a parent, guardian, or educator, you must be careful about these signs to ensure that you treat them as soon as possible.